Moetassem Meksassi
Moetassem was born in El Mina, Lebanon, where he spent the first 21 years of his life.
He enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in Medical Laboratory Sciences Technology to acquire knowledge in the field of biomedical sciences and biotechnology. This journey was aimed at gaining a profound understanding of human physiology, pathophysiology, cancer biology, molecular genetics, general biology, microbiology, and laboratory tests for diagnosing human diseases.
Throughout his bachelor’s degree, he completed two extensive internships in hospital laboratories. These experiences provided him with valuable insights and extensive hands-on experience, particularly in molecular biology and microbiology technologies. Upon successfully completing his bachelor’s degree with outstanding academic achievements in 2021, Moetassem’s passion for research and development propelled him forward. He decided to pursue a master’s degree in biotechnologies, focusing on interdisciplinary biotechnologies at the University of Lille.
In this master’s program, he gained multidisciplinary knowledge, which allowed him to engage with cutting-edge technologies aimed at solving biological and biomedical hypotheses. His studies encompassed theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of bioengineering, life sciences, biophotonics, systems biology, and microsystems to provide quantitative and innovative measurements related to biological and clinical challenges.
During his master’s program, Moetassem completed internships in three diverse academic research laboratories in Lille, France. His first internship was at IEMN, then at Lille Neuroscience & Cognition Research Center, where he expanded further his interdisciplinary background. His master’s thesis was conducted at the Institut Pasteur de Lille, where he investigated the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in cardiac remodeling. Through these experiences, he acquired a diverse skill set, spanning metabolic pathophysiology, neuroscience, microsystems, proteomics, molecular biology, and life imaging.
After successfully defending his master’s project and obtaining his master’s degree in biotechnologies, Moetassem joined the LAAS-CNRS as a PhD student, working under the supervision of Dr. Morgan Delarue. He is part of a project funded by the European Research Council, focusing on how cells regulate their proliferation under mechanical compression. He aims to apply his interdisciplinary background and skills to explore and understand the fundamental aspects of cellular growth and division under compression, providing crucial insights into the underlying mechanisms of diseases such as pancreatic cancer.
Current members
Now research engineer at Ecole Vétérinaire Toulouse
Studies in medicine
Post doc @ Université Aix-Marseille