Stéphanie Mateo
Stéphanie was born in Saint Germain-en-Laye, where was living King Louis the XIVth, also known as the Sun King. During her two-year technical-degree in physical measurements, she discovered technics to characterize materials and got rapidly interested to know more about this field. She decided to follow an engineering training specialized in materials and became at the same time apprentice at Synchrotron SOLEIL.
There, Stéphanie was involved in research projects using microfluidic technics. She was part of a project to study the electrochemical reduction of CO2 into valuable products such as fuels. She pursued this study through an internship at Caltech. Her approach with microfluidics gave her the envy to go deeply in this field. She has started a microfluidic master 2 at IPGG to satisfy her curiosity.
Stéphanie is currently doing her PhD with Morgan . She works on tumor-on-chips to study the impact of mechanical stress on tumor progression.
Current members
Studies in medicine
Post doc @ Université Aix-Marseille